Next Day Shipping Notice
We would like to inform you that while we offer FedEx Next Day Delivery as a shipping option, this service is fulfilled exclusively by FedEx and is subject to their delivery terms and conditions.
Please note that we are not responsible for delays caused by FedEx or any failure to deliver the package within the promised timeframe. Although the service may be labeled as “Next Day Delivery,” FedEx occasionally experiences delays due to weather, operational issues, or other factors beyond our control.
If your shipment does not arrive as expected, we kindly ask that you contact FedEx Customer Service directly to inquire about the status of your delivery or to file a formal complaint or claim. You can reach them at 1 (800) 463-3339 or through their website at
As a retailer, we do not offer any form of guarantee or support for the next day delivery service, and we are unable to issue refunds or credits related to late delivery claims with FedEx.
We appreciate your understanding and continued support. If you have any questions about your order or need assistance with anything else, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Contact us at or call (954) 561-9540